Painting a Backlit Subject

There are several challenges involved in painting a backlit subject, so in this article, I’d like to share with you various ideas and methods for doing so realistically, with a Northern Waterthrush as the subject. First off, what does it mean for the subject to be backlit? The terms front light, side light, and back…

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Barn Swallow in Flight Painting

Barn Swallows are quite acrobatic. They fly quickly, turn sharply, and swoop unpredictably. Sometimes when turning they stretch their wings vertically to make the fastest turn possible. When I took the photo below, the swallow was in the middle of one of these turns, revealing the feather details of its wings, and was also watching…

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Flying Bald Eagle in Watercolor

I wanted to paint a Bald Eagle in flight after photographing one that was flying directly towards me. If you want to join me, grab your watercolor paints and let’s begin. I selected a 9 by 12-inch piece of Arches cold-press 140 lb. paper as a base; looking back, a large paper would have been…

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Colorful Hummingbird Painting

The other day, I was taking pictures of hummingbirds feeding in a field of colorful wildflowers; when I took the picture below, I immediately knew that the scene would be great for a watercolor painting. The process of painting the hummingbird will be similar to the fun and easy hummingbird painting from before, but this…

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Fun and Easy Watercolor Hummingbird

While watercolors can be used to make realistic, or detailed paintings, the medium especially shines for looser techniques that focus more on vibrant colors and the fun of watercolor painting. The latter is exactly what we’ll use in this tutorial. If you want to follow along, gather your paints, brushes, and a small piece of…

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