How to Draw the Head and Body of a Gnatcatcher with Colored Pencils

This is the third article in The Colored Pencil Bird series. As an example, I will show the step-by-step drawing on a Blue-Grey Gnatcatcher, but the tips and techniques included in these articles can be applied to any bird drawing. After this, check out how to draw the wings & tail  and the feet.

The subject for this drawing series

The Gnatcatcher has white feathers, so we will use white, but also use cold greys to add shadow and form to the bird. It is important to use directional strokes when drawing the head and body, so that the feathers appear natural. After adding feather strokes with a certain grey, color over the top with a light color to burnish: White to burnish the body and light grey to burnish the head and shadows under the wing. By adding darker feathers in certain areas, you can give the appearance of volume and roundedness to the bird.

The first step is to use a White colored pencil and draw feather strokes, thus protecting the highlights in these regions. This way, there will be white feathers left even though we will use layers of grey as well.

Then, start adding strokes with light, cold greys (Cold Grey I, II, and III)

Burnish with the selected colors and repeat with slightly darker greys.

Add a touch of blue (such as Sky Blue) to the head, and burnish again. This makes the color a blue-grey.

Continue the process of adding feathers and burnishing to finish this region.

Use the same process to finish the belly.

Near the end of the drawing, after completing the feet, use Touch Up Texture mixed with Titanium White to add the feathers to the body that stick out over the background.

Next are the wings and tail.


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